FV Are You Hungry?

What originally started out as a small, simple idea became a big reality, where it was much more than just spurring innovation into the minds of teenagers. It was about putting ourselves out there in world, changing the world, and creating the deeper bond between one another. To do this, we decided to use food as our method. So why did we choose food for our small-scale project while others are doing much bigger things, like volunteering and fundraising? Well, we believe that food is a common language that we all share and love to embrace.  Continue reading

B.R.A.W.L. For All

It is one thing to read a book cover to cover, but it’s another thing to uncover the different ways that the text can relate to your life. So began our quest for questions and adventures for answers that we would present in the debate. The B.R.A.W.L. made me realize something I had never recognized before. There is so much power behind a question. It triggers thought, emotion, conversation, opposition, and reaction.

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Let’s Get Ready to Rumble!!!

For the past few weeks in English, our class had a B.R.A.W.L. as a way to connect to the global conversation. What is a B.R.A.W.L. you ask? Well, a B.R.A.W.L., found here on Mr. Theriault’s blog, stands for Battle Royal All Will Learn where students learn how to develop their own discussion questions and then prepare and answer those questions in front of the class in hopes of beating the other team. This is similar to a socratic seminar, but not quite. It is far more intense like a debate, but more laid back and less refined as there’s no right or wrong answer. Continue reading

From the Heart


If you were to ask me nine months ago if I would ever have a blog, I’d laugh at your comment and simply walk away. Little did I know that blogging would be so fun and different from what I had expected it to be. Sure, coming up with an idea and writing it down in one sitting isn’t exactly my cup of tea, but I’ve learned to adjust to it and actually enjoy it more than shopping and drawing combined. In a span of nine months, or an entire school year, I have learned so much from blogging than I ever could have in a thousand-paged textbook.

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Michelle Meets Blog

I fell in love with blogging in the same a person falls in love with a song. When you first hear the song, it doesn’t catch your attention very much. In fact, you might choose to avoid it. However, listening to the radio, you hear the same song again and again. Eventually, the tune grows on you as you find yourself drumming along to the beat.

steering wheel

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Patience, My Dear

Patience truly IS the best virtue. As Aristotle once said, “Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.” It defines a person, patience is the ultimate test of life. This virtue is timeless, and is dependent on oneself. It is universal, it is boundless. What limits patience is how one sees it as, as a good virtue or a bad one. One can choose to wait to enjoy life’s rewards, or choose to waste precious rewards. Sure waiting forever isn’t exactly the best way to waste precious time, but in the end, the rewards are better and totally worth it. After all, good things come to those that wait.

A Cluster of Ideas


For most of our short lives on this beautiful earth, we are waiting for something. Waiting in line for movie tickets, AP test scores, that one cute person from second period to reply, etc. You’d think after knowing that waiting is such an important element of life, people would be more patient. That’s not true at all.

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My Daily Struggle To Wake Up Each Morning

I thought I was the only one that lost the Monday morning battles. It’s like YouTube “daily routine” videos, except a lot less glamorous and a million times more honest.

The Little Things in Life


The day was March 16. The alarm clock was buzzing. The alarm was set for 8:00 am. School starts at 8:50 am. Despite all of this, I woke up at 8:25 am.

10 minutes before this, my body was strewn across my bed in a very awkward position. The blanket was thrown down onto the floor. My face was pressed face-down into my pillow and I was drooling.  This was the condition of my room when my mom walked in. The sight was terribly shocking, at least for her. After she had recomposed herself, she calmly walked up to my bed, stood there for a minute or so, and smacked me.

It took me a full minute for me to register the fact that I was smacked, thirty seconds to fully awaken myself, and thirty seconds to respond. At first, I just stared at my mom. Then…

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Top 5 List of Mind-Blowing Ways We Use Robots


      Just under a hundred years ago, Czech playwright Karel Capek invented the word “robot” from the Czech word robotinik. This original term was used to describe mechanical creatures that were made for one thing and one thing only. Drudgery. Upon their creation, they were doomed to a lifetime of dull uninspiring work. Since then, these robots, with the help of different human perception, have been developed to do great things. They speed up our means of productions, detonate bombs, explore hazardous places, mine resources, explore the depths of the sea, and spend time in space. This makes us think: what else could robots possibly do? Continue reading

The Importance of Imagination


As a child, I never really considered how important imagination was until now. It’s a childhood profession, it comes naturally. I remembered playing for hours with nothing but myself, the surrounding area, and my growing imagination. I was the young heroine who saved the world countless times, a princess of the secret kingdom of fairies, the astronaut who explored the vast universe, even the crazy inventor who made the first hovercraft. Whatever we wanted to be or do, we did it. We had complete control of the world within our heads. Continue reading

Living with Regrets

Regret hurts.

Regret burns.

Regret aches.

I regret binge watching Netflix hours before a Chemistry test. I regret studying two chapters worth of AP European HIstory content for an exam at three in the morning. I regret eating the entire tiramisu myself. I regret not telling my feelings to my crush before it was too late, and I most certainly regret writing this post a week late—I regret everything. Years-old decisions, things I have said and shouldn’t have said, things I don’t ever say, opportunities I purposefully missed, opportunities I took, recent purchases at the mall, non-purchases, and especially returns.

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