Patience, My Dear

Patience truly IS the best virtue. As Aristotle once said, “Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.” It defines a person, patience is the ultimate test of life. This virtue is timeless, and is dependent on oneself. It is universal, it is boundless. What limits patience is how one sees it as, as a good virtue or a bad one. One can choose to wait to enjoy life’s rewards, or choose to waste precious rewards. Sure waiting forever isn’t exactly the best way to waste precious time, but in the end, the rewards are better and totally worth it. After all, good things come to those that wait.

A Cluster of Ideas


For most of our short lives on this beautiful earth, we are waiting for something. Waiting in line for movie tickets, AP test scores, that one cute person from second period to reply, etc. You’d think after knowing that waiting is such an important element of life, people would be more patient. That’s not true at all.

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